Sunday, July 19, 2020


I've met one guy since February.  No sex.  We met twice, and the one time at my place we just watched a movie .  He didn't call me.  I didn't call him.  No chemistry I guess.

Truth is I don't really want to meet anyone.  I haven't been on Grindr, or the like, for more than a month now.  I've been reading, watching a few TV series, having long walks or short runs, and that's about it.  Oh, and of course working quite a bit.

So feeling more antisocial than usual I guess.

Could I be depressed?  Maybe low level.

I don't even know where to start in making new friends.  The reality is if your heart is not really in it, then it's not going to happen.  In this city there aren't many of the younger Asian guys I've befriended in recent years.  I talk to my friends, but they're not here and they're not traveling.

Part of this is due to Covid.  I'm following the rules pretty strictly.  The danger is for sure increasing.  It could be a year before we have a vaccine.  Who knows how well it will work?

So far now I just go about me normal routine.

1 comment:

  1. ain't we all, honey! it's too scary to mingle; you don't know who's got the virus and who doesn't. just keep on keepin' on, stay safe.
