Sunday, July 5, 2020

That Was Quick

The weekend is coming to an end.  So quickly, just as I knew it would.

I ask, "What's a good day?"

What makes a day good versus bad?  Or mediocre? Or just a forgettable nothing day?

I didn't do much.  I added some plants to my terrace.  Went for several longs walks.  Did some grocery shopping.  Fired up my grill to make beef vegetable kebobs.  Binged watched a tv series.  Finished some work.  Chatted with a friend.  Mostly stayed at home, but isn't that what we are supposed to do in a pandemic?

I didn't have a bad weekend.  But I'm not sure how good it was either.


  1. stayed home also. made burgers on the grill. watched local fireworks from the comfort of the house. took naps, listened to music, read books. did some household chores. what's good about it is that we are still alive and avoiding that evil virus.

  2. Would like the see the plants you have on your terrace.
