Sunday, August 16, 2020

So Glad for the Weekend

I was so glad for the weekend to come.  I surely needed some downtime, even though I did have work calls on Saturday.  I continue to experiment with my Instant Pot.  This weekend I made Split Pea and Ham Soup.  Really was great.  I got an IP cookbook for Indian food.  That's what I want to try next.  Butter Chicken in the IP.

Last night I went out for a walk at 11pm.  I'm in an urban area so there were many other people out.  Walking together.  I was just by myself.   It had just rained and the cool air felt good.

Next week will be stressful.  Major presentation on Wednesday.


  1. Hope the presentation will go well and wow your audience!

    1. Thanks William. I'm just hoping to survive through it

  2. I'mma come to your house for butter chicken!

  3. Split Pea & Ham one of my favorite soups. Hope that you enjoyed it. I had a presentation a couple weeks ago. I stressed about it but deep down I knew that I was a SME (Subject Matter Expert) and that I could weather the storm. Public speaking or speaking to a large audience when it's not something you do on a regular basis can be intimidating. I've gotten a couple of useful tips over the years. Look at people at eyebrow level, make contact with one person and speak as if you are addressing them and the classic imagine everyone is naked while you are speaking. I'm sure your presentation will go well. Wishing you good luck and hoping that your week isn't nearly as stressful as you think it will be. Relax, and enjoy your Sunday.

    1. The presentation is to top management of my company. So small group, but lots of questions.

  4. Good luck with the presentation. I hate things like that.
