Monday, August 17, 2020

Lot's of Short Straws

It's probably been at least three months since my friend left the hospital following his bout with Covid.  Two weeks in the ICU, one of them on a ventilator.  He's mid-50's, healthy and a successful executive. 

He still can't walk up the stairs to the second floor of his house.  Totally out of breath and gasping. 

I'm wondering if he will ever be back to normal.

I have a relative in NYC who also had Covid.  He's 78.  He was at home, quite sick, for three weeks, but now he's ok.   

Then there's Herman Cain.  Went to a Trump rally.  Of course no masks.  A few weeks later....gone.

This virus is Russian roulette.

I'll continue to stay close to home.  One or two careful trips to the grocery store a week for my cooking supplies.  That's it. 


  1. Affects different people differently, and there are so many strains. Best to stay away from infection!

  2. you're playing it smart. I feel sorry for your friend/relative; so many unknowns with this evil. and I don't give a fuck about herman cain.

  3. COVID does attack the respiratory system quite bad. I wish the best for those you know that have contracted it. There are a lot of people who get it and are able to bounce back. Others it's a forever life changing event. I had a classmate (were both in our late 40's) contract it and he had recently beat cancer. He has managed to bounce back but tells everyone how horrible the virus is.

    There is no question masks save lives and if your not wearing one your taking your life in your own hands as well as potentially infecting others.

    I am in several high risk groups (sadly) and like you I only make the necessary trips out, which are 2 per week. 1 day for cat food and 1 day for groceries. The only exception would be if I or my pets needed medical care, otherwise I am all locked up. Isolation wears on a person and can drive a person to insanity but fortunately we have technology like Zoom, Facetime, Google Duo, etc. as well as the telephone and internet, so were really not totally isolated. Stay well and be safe!
