Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Gay Friendly?

I was in Toronto last weekend.  Was anyone else at the Hottest Ass Contest on Saturday night?  We met a friend of Harry's and hung out with him.  So it was a good weekend.

Toronto feels so gay friendly.  Generally accepting of everyone.  This isn't always the case in the US.

I'm now seriously considering a move to North Carolina.  I just wonder how gay friendly that area is.  It's not the deep south, I'm happy about that.  I would be in one of the big cities - like Charlotte.  I like the temperate weather and easy access to a lot of places - like Atlanta and NYC.  I am just wondering if it's a place I would feel comfortable.  I need to get out of the biting cold....but where is the right place?


  1. you would prob have better luck in charlotte or asheville. how about charleston SC or richmond VA?

  2. The south is the south, with its nasty racists, etc. But if you must live there, Ashville, Charlotte, and Durham appear a bit more tolerable than the rest of NC.

    Wherever you go, please be sure to vote!

    1. I'm thinking Charlotte. Decent sized city with a major airport. More expensive than I thought it would be.

  3. I live near Richmond, VA, and I love it here.
