Sunday, March 3, 2024



If you read about the science of happiness and mood improvement, you will almost always find a suggestion to practice daily gratitude.   Think about what are we thankful for.   When you are feeling depressed or otherwise badly, replace thoughts about what we don't have or other problems with gratitude thoughts. 

Daily gratitude -- what are we thankful for every day?

I'm finding that some of the things I'm thankful for are remarkably simple.  A good cup of coffee in the morning.  Thirty minutes in the morning to enjoy my coffee and watch the news.  A call or dinner with a friend.   An evening walk in beautiful weather.  Going to bed at the end of a cold winter day on flannel sheets.   My health.

Some things that appear to be bad at the outset, are really good things.  I lost my job last year.  I felt badly at the time, but the reality is that I was ejected from a toxic place with some really bad people.   Four months later I had a new job in a positive place.  I'm grateful for that.

I have the ability and the means to add some fun experiences to my life.  It starts this month with my trip to NYC.  Many people can't do this.  

I'm grateful.


  1. I try to be grateful every day because I have housing, food and transportation. I am grateful for many other things too. The newly arrived Venezuelan immigrants here are lacking food, housing and transportation but they are very grateful to be in the United Stated. Their needs will be met in time which will make them grateful for many other things.

  2. There is always something to be thankful for, realizing what that something is might not be easy to see. My grandfather always used to tell me to be thankful for good health, when you have that you have the world by the tail. It's common place for all of us to be absorbed by life and loose track of the small things.

    Glad that you are still enjoying your new job. Hope that you have a great trip to NYC. Safe travels!
