Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Don't Wish Your Life Away

My co-worker was telling me he is just over 63 years old and about to retire.  He could bridge the time to medicare with Cobra coverage.   He has plenty of cash to pay the bills until he elects to start social security.

"I wish I was that close to retirement," I said.

"Don't wish you life away dude,"  He said.

Wow, he is so right.   I will look back some day and these years until 65 will have been so valuable.   I need to make the most of them.

1 comment:

  1. That's something we all get caught up in, wishing our lives away. I think it's human nature. Time does pass by so fast, especially once you become an adult. Feels like not so long ago I was 30 and today I am in my 50's. Funny thing is inside this old body I still feel like a kid even if I have more aches and pains today than I did then. Of course I have much more knowledge today than I did back when I was 30, so I guess that is a plus. I've heard over and over again, enjoy today, live for today because you never know if it's going to be your last day. So many wisdoms and sayings that we lose sight of as we get caught up in just living our lives. Take care and I hope it's a great day for you!
