Saturday, September 11, 2021

Two Guys


Two guys, not Five Guys.

When you see two guys together what do you assume?

Peter was at my house last night, and we left together to walk to the nearby brewery for a drink.  My neighbor was letting his dog out, and seemed to stare at us.  Maybe, probably it was nothing.....but I felt a little uncomfortable.

I've been through this before.  I had a friend in Toronto.  We were walking down the hall of his condo building and he asked me to hang back so it "wouldn't look like we were together."  Seriously I thought?  You can't have a male friend?  The neighbors will jump to the conclusion that we're gay?

One Asian friend was telling me that he usually dates older guys.  But then he feels uncomfortable, because when he is out with these guys, "it's so obvious".  Really?

Maybe that's true.  My younger Asian bf and I were in Miami.  Just walking down the street headed for lunch.  This African American woman (may have been drunk) started yelling at us: "Look at China boy and his daddy."  We just ignored and kept walking.  Obviously she's rude as hell, but is that what everyone thinks?

So I'm wondering what conclusions people are jumping to.......but then do I care?


  1. A gay's lady friend told us that ever since she knew us, she suspected every couple of guys as gay couple.

  2. People will think what they want to think.
