Sunday, April 14, 2024

Money Personalties



I'm reading about money personalities.  Animals are used to describe the types.   There are four:  dolphin (spender), Squirrel (saver), Ostrich (avoider), sloth (indifferent), and German Shepherd (attuned).

This is me for sure:

The Squirrel (Saver): Squirrels love to save.  They will avoid debt at all cost.  They know exactly how much money they need for everything and if they can’t save it first they won’t buy it later.  Squirrels are deliberate, there is no such thing as impulse buying and often they will research something to the point of talking themselves out of it.  The great thing about squirrels is they never worry about the future like retirement.  The downside is that they aren’t enjoying life now because they are too busy saving for the future.  This can lead to being obsessed with saving and budgeting. 

The last sentences are key here.   I need to force myself to spend and enjoy my life more.  I have a good job now, and it has reasonably good work-life balance.   I'm visiting my bf for a week in July.   We are planning other trips before year end, probably to Mexico.

I don't need to work anymore, but I need to have something meaningful to do.  Meaningful but I need to prevent my life from being consumed with work.  I am years away from social security income and medicare.   Having an income gives me a sense of security.

I don't need any  more "things."   I might trade out some of my "things", but I don't need to add any.  I need good experiences -- exactly what is a "good experience"?    This will help me find happiness.

I'm curious --  what is a good experience for you?


  1. I'm turning into a squirrel as i get older, but i've always had a good relationship with money. I like the saying of "work to live, rather than live to work". work/life balance is key. a few posts ago you wrote about friend who found out he has serious condition. i'm 53 so hearing more about people my age being diagnosed with conditions or dropping dead all of a sudden. i've made goal to retire in 5-6 years, but the key is trying to find what to do afterwards. I'm getting burned out from my job but still need to keep busy/active. i have a few years to plan for that.

  2. I'm for sure a Squirrel now. I wasn't always that way. I like being able to buy the things that I want and not have to worry about money. I'm comfortable at the moment but that can all change in the blink of an eye. It's also great to be able to pay a bill when it comes due and not have to wonder/worry if I will have enough money. I really love saving money more than I ever thought I would. It's nice to see bank account balances grow. That sums up both what type I am and a good experience for me.
