Thursday, November 9, 2023

What Other People Think Pt 2

This concept applies not only to my bf, but to me as well.

I'm looking for a job right now.   I could pursue another executive level job.  These jobs pay well, but are high stress and long hours.  However everyone will be impressed.

Alternatively, I could take a lower level, more focused job.  It wouldn't pay as well, but would be less hours and lower stress.  Everyone will think I failed to get a job at the same level.

I'm actually leaning towards the lower level, less stress job.  Who cares what people think.

One of my former co-workers moved from the East Coast to New Mexico.  He's around 60 years old, and I think retired.  

He went dark.  LinkedIn and other social media deleted.  It's possible to see that he lives in NM, but that's it.   No idea what he's doing besides competing in long distance bike races.

I'm close to being ready to check out.   A year, or two.  I still want to work, largely to avoid boredom and make a little cash, but only part of the year.   I want to travel for the rest of the year.


  1. I agree that your decisions should benefit you and contribute to your happiness, rather than for keeping up appearances, or pandering to the expectations of others.

  2. Lower level job, less stress sounds like a win to me. Scaling back and relaxing along with working less and travel sounds like a very nice way to go. Wish I could do the same. It's your life and you are the only person you have to impress and make happy. Stay safe!
