Tuesday, December 15, 2020



I've mentioned that I'm feeling lonely during this pandemic.  I haven't met anyone in a long time.  No sex in nearly a year.  Really not even a hug in a year.  My long distance bf is gone...that's over.  So I'm feeling lonely.

I haven't been on Grindr in six months.  We're in the midst of a pandemic, so what's the point?  I needed a break from that site anyway.  If I go back it will be with a refreshed profile.  Not smart to meet random people right now.  Maybe I could meet someone for a coffee.  We could sit outside.  It was nearly 70 on Sunday.   That would be low risk.

One place I haven't stayed away from is A4A.  Why?  Really because the chances of me actually meeting someone from there are near zero.  I view it as just safe chatting.  I haven't spent a lot of time there.  Just some human contact once in a while.  There's always a different mix of people on these sites depending on the locale.

I'm finding there are an awful lot of married guys on A4A here.  Many of them are hitting on me.  They're not far away and anxious to meet.  I sort of understand their situations.  I was married once.  But I never acted on my desire for men until a few years after I was divorced.  I've met just a few married guys in the past.  For sure we have a lot in common.  But, years ago I decided it was a bad idea and haven't met a married guy in a long time....maybe a decade?  Whenever I see "bisexual" in someone's profile it rings alarm bells.  These days I have to ask "to".  Man or woman?  You never know.

There is one very interesting guy I've been chatting with.  Very smart guy.  A doctor.  From various clues he's dropped I'm pretty sure I've figured out who he is.  He's a well published, and probably somewhat renowned specialist.  However, during our conversation he let it slip that, "oh, I'm currently married."   In this case it's a woman.

This guy could be a good friend.  We have a lot in common.  He wants to meet me.  I've told him it would just be friends.  But I'm torn about what to do.  Just friends is my choice.  If anything else happens that's my fault.  

Meeting smart people for good conversation is fun.  When there's some mystery mixed in that makes it more interesting.  I'll probably meet him.  Just for coffee is no big deal.   Maybe in a few weeks.  Unless I change my mind by then.

Very decisive aren't I?


  1. Totally understand your sharing here. A classic case of big head vs small head (if you know what I mean). Not easy.

  2. No need to overthink it. It's just coffee. Enjoy the company.

  3. I have met just one good friend from an app
    The rest .......?
    Waste of my time

  4. I think everyone that is single and following the rules of the pandemic can sympathize with you. People need people and no I'm not trying to sing a song. It's a fact. Something as simple as a hug goes a long way. I would enjoy the company of another man and if things clicked and we wound up in bed I wouldn't object that. I enjoy being able to talk to my cat and her company but it's not the same as a human. If I didn't have her right now I would be really lost.

    As for the dating thing, your right it's kind of pointless with the pandemic. Meeting someone for a drink or coffee sounds fine as long as your socially distant. As for the married guy thing, just put a tag line in your profile that you prefer single guys only. At the end of the day you might as well be happy. Lots of other guys put much worse things in their profiles like no fatties or fems. Were all picky with what we would like to see in a mate.

    Be safe and good luck sir! Keep us posted.
