Saturday, March 28, 2020

Not Feeling Guilty

Normally I feel kind of guilty about masturbating.  I shouldn't be wanking.  Get a life!  Go find someone to have sex with.  There's the no fap movement and others who tell how jacking off destroyed their lives.  Maybe it's not just the jacking off, it's the porn that almost always goes with it.  Who jacks off without porn these days?  Anyway, it's often the expedient thing to do.

Now we're in this surreal virus lock down.  Things are different.  We shouldn't be meeting people.  We have to stay home.  Sex with someone outside your house is probably the worst violation of social distancing.  The hookup apps have warnings popping up telling us to socialize but delay meeting until another time.  Websites are telling you, "stay home and jack off."  Pornhub is giving away their premium service free -- all in the name of public service to keep us safe.

Yay!!  It's ok to jack off.

We all have a free pass these days.  Maybe for months.

If you already have a partner that's the best situation.  We all know there is a tp shortage, but I understand there is soon to be a condom shortage too. 

I am feeling lonely.  I need some human contact.  I guess it will have to wait.


  1. Just like you said, now's the time when it's okay to masturbate, because contact with others is not a smart thing to do. Actually, it's the worst.

    Not saying when the virus is gone, people should go be promiscuous or whatever and have unprotected sex because, you can get many as bad, if not even worse diseases than the currently scary one. So, the hookup apps you mentioned are not just bad for our body but for our mind, either. Sex isn't everything.

    Love is. Real love. Be open for it. Then get it. And you wouldn't have to worry about anything after having someone you're in love with. But hey, those are just my thoughts.

  2. been practicing self love for many years; it's fun and I get what I want. and I don't feel guilty either.

  3. What makes you "normally feel guilty about masturbation"? This spring or in 2021, this epidemic will end. Hopefully you continue to enjoy yourself...I think masturbation is such a great release we should enjoy guilt free. It prevents lots of regretful actions later one ;-)

  4. Everyone does it. Not everyone talks about it! This self-isolation thing isn't easy!

  5. Just wank! But I must admit that the porn thing is a bit of a problem for me. I have find the NEXT porn title that resonates with me. It's like finding the next high.
