Sunday, December 1, 2019

Where's Zach?

One of my blogging pals has vanished.  Dear Zach doesn't respond to my emails.  He's a young guy in Malaysia.  Trying to make a go of his young life, trying many jobs but nothing seemed to click.  We talked on skype a few times.  It's interesting to talk with someone on the other side of the world and hear his story.  Zach had been doing "massage" which I cautioned him wasn't a good idea. 

I hope he's ok.


  1. people float in and out of our lives. I have a few like that; I tried texting/e-mail/hand-written notes - nothing. so I wish them well in my mind and let it go.

  2. Anne Marie, I think you hit the nail on the head. I wish everyone well in life. Even the ones that deeply hurt me. I'm working on my inner peace. I wish you well in the New Year. Happy New Year.
