Sunday, February 2, 2025

Seeing the Future


I was recently in a deep discussion with a friend in Thailand.  The conversation went all over the place, but key topics were mortality, making the most of the time we have left, and insight into the future.

He told me about a Buddhist monk who lives on the border of Thailand and Laos.  He will look deeply into your face and tell your future.  Of course I was skeptical, but this monk is supposedly quite accurate.  I'm intrigued.  I would like insight into my future.  I know that our life can change in a instant.  I want to make the most of the time I have left.   "The time I have left", I can't believe I'm saying this.  I'm not an 80 year old man literally counting his remaining days.

I have no plans to go to Thailand.  But what if I went to see this monk?   I would need to take my Thai friend with me.  I'm sure this monk doesn't speak English.   Thinking about it.

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